Can Squirrels Eat Chocolate? – What They Can And Can’t Eat

Squirrels are omnivorous scavengers that eat a wide variety of foods they find in nature, but can Squirrels eat chocolate? Well if presented with it they probably would eat it, however, it is in no way healthy for them. In extreme cases, it can cause death. Squirrels should stick to foods they would naturally find in the wild.

What Do Squirrels Eat?

As mentioned earlier Squirrels are omnivores. They eat a wide variety of fruit, nuts, eggs, insects, vegetation, and even other small animals. They certainly are not picky eaters and will eat just about anything you throw at them. This makes it important to not give them things like chocolate or any type of processed food.

If you do want to feed squirrels consider putting out a plate of specially formulated Squirrel food, this can be found online or through popular pet stores such as Petco. Avoid feeding Squirrels birdseed. Most bird seed mixes contain Sunflower seeds which squirrels love but unfortunately are not healthy for them. Sunflower seeds can cause severe calcium loss in Squirrels.

Squirrels can however have other seeds and nuts such as Pumpkin Seeds and Almonds. If you are going to feed Squirrels nuts always be sure they are unsalted. Excess sodium can be detrimental to their health.

If you have a pet Squirrel a good store-bought Squirrel food is a healthy option. These types of feed typically include a mixture of nuts, fruit, and essential Vitamins.

Here Is A Short List Of Healthy Foods For Squirrels

  • Fruit
  • Acorns
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Blueberries

Why Can’t Squirrels Eat Chocolate?

There is a definitive reason why our furry little friends shouldn’t eat chocolate. And that is Theobromine. Theobromine is an Alkaloid found naturally in Cacao. If a Squirrel eats enough Chocolate the Theobromine in it can cause seizures or even death.

Theobromine is the same reason other animals such as dogs should not eat Chocolate. Fortunately as humans we don’t have this sensitivity to the chemical science shows Chocolate ate in moderation has several health benefits for us.

Symptoms of Theobromine poisoning in Squirrels include rapid heartbeat, trembling, and hyperactivity. And though in mild cases these symptoms will likely pass, more severe symptoms such as seizures may require veterinary assistance.

What About Dark Chocolate?

Dark Chocolate is especially bad for Squirrels and other animals. It contains much higher levels of Theobromine making it several times more dangerous. However, for humans, it is substantially healthier than milk chocolate, as it has antioxidant properties. It’s good to be a human.

If you want to treat your pet Squirrel or a wild Squirrel consider “nature’s candy”. Fruit such as Apricots and Blueberries are a tasty treat for these little critters.

Here is a breakdown of the amounts of Theobromine in different types of Chocolate.

  • Dark Chocolate: 135 MG Per Ounce
  • Milk Chocolate: 50 MG Per Ounce
  • White Chocolate: Less than one MG Per Ounce

As you see white Chocolate has very little Theobromine, however still not good for Squirrels. White Chocolate technically isn’t chocolate at all since it contains no Cacao. It does however contain high amounts of fat and sugar that our Squirrel friends should not be eating.

What About Chocolate Chip Cookies?

Can Squirrels eat chocolate chip cookies? Squirrels certainly should not eat Chocolate Chip Cookies or any other type of cookie. The Theobromine in the chocolate as well as sugar and fat are an extremely unhealthy combination. You can however find Squirrel treats at your local Pet Store that are similar in appearance to cookies. These can be healthy however the best treat for a Squirrel is fresh fruit.

Can They Eat Chocolate Covered Almonds?

Although Almonds are very healthy for Squirrels, chocolate is not. If you would like to give your Squirrel a treat skip the chocolate and go with unsalted/unflavored Almonds. As we’ve already established too much sodium can be harmful to a Squirrel’s health and they should never eat anything that contains chocolate.

What Types Of Vegetables Do Squirrels Eat?

In addition to fruit and nuts, Squirrels love vegetables, and they are very healthy for them. In the wild Squirrels naturally eat a variety of different plants. Some of their favorites include leafy greens such as kale, beet greens, Collard Greens, and Cilantro.

Some of their other favorites include

  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Okra
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Eggplant
  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Celery

Can Squirrels Eat Peanuts?

The answer is yes and no. Peanuts don’t provide sufficient nutrition for Squirrels however it is okay to feed them one or two on occasion. There is also a concern that peanuts contain a fungus that may harm Squirrels.

If you do give them peanuts be sure they are unsalted, as excess salt is not healthy for them. Ideally, the peanuts should be of the raw/unsweetened variety. Any kind of sugar coating or salted seasoning should be avoided.

Can Squirrels Eat Bread?

Feeding Squirrel’s bread should be avoided because much like peanuts it provides very little nutritional value and is difficult for them to digest. Bread contains Cellulose which a Squirrels’ digestive system simply can’t handle. Gluten and carbohydrates will expand in their stomachs and can be particularly problematic to their health. As mentioned earlier Squirrels are scavengers and will eat most things if they find it or are presented with it, however bread should be avoided.

Do Squirrels Eat Bugs?

Surprisingly Squirrels do enjoy eating bugs and insects. It’s a common misconception they only eat fruit and nuts, most people don’t realize they are in fact omnivores. In the wild, they snack on a variety of different insects. Some of their favorites include dried mealworms, moths, and crickets.

Some of their favorites include:

  • Dried Meal Worms
  • Moths
  • Crickets

These dried insects can be found online or at most pet stores. Typically a bag containing 250 dried mealworms will cost around $20. These tasty bites of protein can be saved as a treat or added to a Squirrels’s daily meal.

Can Squirrels Eat Cheese?

Cheese is one of those foods a Squirrel wouldn’t find naturally in the wild. Much like other foods mentioned in this article Cheese is not good for their digestion. It is another Cellulose containing food that can wreak havoc on their digestive system. At the end of its best to feed Squirrels foods they would find in their natural habitat.

Can Squirrels Eat Cashews?

No, Squirrels should not be fed Cashews. Much like Sunflower seeds Cashews contain high amounts of Phosphorous. This can lead to Calcium loss in Squirrels. Some healthy alternatives include Almonds, Walnuts, and Hazelnuts.

Do Squirrels Eat Acorns?

Yes, Acorns are the main staple of a Squirrel’s diet. In the Spring and Summertime, they are known to hoard them in anticipation of the Winter. Acorns are a highly nutritious nut that these natural-born tree climbers are experts at finding. Once found these nuts provide squirrels with the healthy fats and Vitamins they need to make it through sometimes brutal Winter months.

In Closing

So can Squirrels eat Chocolate? As we’ve covered the answer is a resounding no. The poisonous combination of Theobromine and excess amounts of sugar and fat make it extremely unhealthy for squirrels. The healthiest foods you can feed a squirrel include fruit, nuts, veggies, and dried insects.

It’s important to understand our digestive systems are much different from Squirrels and they simply cannot eat many foods that we enjoy. We hope this article has given you an idea of what Squirrels can eat and what they should not eat.