How To Get Rid Of No See Ums: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know

Are you trying to figure out how to get rid of No See Ums? Well wonder no more, we’ve developed a strategy for the best ways to get rid of them. We’ve also compiled information on what they are and what attracts them. Read on for more.

No See Ums are extremely annoying bugs whose painful bites leave extremely irritating red welts that last for days. These little blood-sucking critters are hard to see. They sometimes arrive in a posse that swarms you. Exposed body parts are fair game, which only makes them even more annoying.

It doesn’t help that they’re tremendously small and very hard to see. They’ll spot you before you see them. Expect them to stab you and drain minor droplets of blood. But, in exchange, you’ll get to hold every kind of disease and bacteria they carry with them.

If you’ve been plagued by these annoying monstrosities, it can feel like an adventure getting rid of them. Sometimes bug spray doesn’t even phase them.

If running away is not an option, this article will help you put an end to these savage, unforgiving little nasties before they wreak havoc on your skin or even your livestock. We’ll explain what no see ums are, some natural remedies, and a few ways on how to get rid of no see ums for good.

What Are No See Ums?

If you own any kind of garden, yard, or open landscape, you’re no stranger to bugs. Flies, gnats, and everything in between are gems that come from owning an open landscape.

Unfortunately, no see ums have a role to play in nature. At times, it seems like their role for humans is to be annoying.

The key to stopping them is knowing a little about them.

Name and Species

Although their official name is Ceratopogonidae, a species of the fly family, no see ums can go by different names. Many call them biting midges, sandflies, and even biting gnats. What they should be called are stabbing bacteria-carrying freaks of nature.

There are over 4,000 species of this insect family. Some breeds are even considered predators that go after insects.


Their lifecycle is exactly the hot mess you’d expect it to be. A female no see ums lays its egg. The larva forms into a pupa. Think of it like a cocoon that shields a formless half-grown bug. The later stages migrate into imago and then fully functioning adult with intentions to find an unsuspecting victim. This whole cycle takes just 3 to 6 weeks which is why they multiply fairly quickly.


In adult form, they look like small mosquitoes. Their unnaturally malformed head allows them to quickly rip into your skin to drain blood.

The saliva they secrete causes welts and abrasions to appear on your skin. Their bites can be harsher than a mosquito bite. It can even take weeks to completely heal. Even worse, these bugs can carry disease-causing bacteria and parasites. They’ve been known to carry parasites that can affect livestock with enough power to disrupt agricultural production.

If you’re one of the lucky ones who got bitten by a female gnat, feel better knowing your blood provides protein for their eggs. They don’t lay eggs on you, but your blood helps them make little babies later on.

By the end of their feeding session on your lovely skin, you might not even know they were. That is until the itching starts. In short, you don’t want these little guys anywhere near you, your family, and your pets.

They’re small enough to squeeze through little cracks, doors, and windows. In fact, they can even mangle through screens made to keep them out.

It can be hard to kill one, or a group of them because they’re increasingly hard to see. Plus, anyone could mistake them for regular house flies or even fruit flies.

Where Do No See Ums Live?

“Gnat season” is a real thing. No see ums pop up around mid-summer. They can show their ugly faces in late spring and early fall too. In warmer climates, they may stick around longer.

They show their faces when the air is still in the early morning hours or around dusk. Many are eagerly waiting for their next meal around those times. If you traverse woodland areas, placid settings, open water, gardens, and even beaches, no see ums live in these hotspots. They’re especially prevalent in tropical and Caribbean places.

What Attracts No See Ums?

A key step in learning how to get rid of no see ums is understanding what attracts them.

For years, many have thought they were attracted to blood. Some even believe their receptors pick up odor from people and animals.

It’s hard to say what is true since no one can confirm those claims. What is known is that no see ums hunt just like mosquitos. Since no see ums are hematophagous pests, they share similar traits.

Unfortunately for you, these pesky things smell the air you breathe out. No see ums are attracted to carbon dioxide. Some even believe the amount of heat emitted by their prey attracts them too.

Since they feed on blood and plant nectar, you’ll definitely find them near gardens and green landscapes. If you have a sprinkler system, you’ll likely see many areas that have a lot of moisture in the air. We’ll talk about how to prevent this from happening.


Like any problem in life, the best solution is prevention. This is especially true when fighting back no see ums.

Remember, understanding your opponent is half the battle. Stopping no see ums works the same way as preventing mosquitos. To prevent or limit them from showing up you need to:

  • Create a hostile environment for them. This means removing open water sources and maintaining your outdoor space.
  • Trim or maintain dense pasture, grass, and potential hiding spaces. Mowing your grass, edging your property, and pruning certain plants work wonders.
  • Monitor ponds, pools, and other open water sources. Drain or cover them if possible. Ensure your irrigation system is maintained, check for leakage, and repair overall drainage issues.
  • Consider using pest control products on your property. We’ll offer specific recommendations later.
  • Turn off your outdoor lights. If you have outdoor lights that need to stay on, consider equipping them with fluorescent bulbs that don’t attract bugs.

Best No See Ums Repellent

How do you fight an enemy you can barely see?

Thankfully the battle is a lot easier than it used to be. Misting sprays, bug sprays, pest control systems, and many other options can work. Not only do these work to stop no see ums, but they’ll also work just as well against other insects.

However, it’s important to measure your expectations. When using sprays, for example, it’s generally meant to kill bugs on the spot for a day or so. Long-term measures, like pest control systems, need to be in place for long-term prevention.

Here are some popular ways to prevent, repel, and possibly kill off no see ums. You’ll be a master in how to get rid of no see ums.

#1. Misting

Using a combination of mist and pyrethrin spray is arguably the best way to absolutely demolish any kind of insect. Their low toxicity and biodegradable compound make them one of the safer options.

When combined with a mosquito fogger and misting system, you can basically create an almost invisible force field around your property. If you’ve ever gone to a fancy resort in a tropical location, many of them use this to clear the area of bugs.

If you have the budget for it, this is the best option to repel no see ums.

#2. Pesticides

This is common practice for pest control. Insecticides are good for controlling the infestations of insects and preventing them for a long time. The most commonly used brand is DEET insecticide products. Other alternatives are Wondercide and Riptide.

A warning though! These products expose you to loads of bloated chemicals over time. Use them only when necessary and consider wearing appropriate equipment when handling these products.

#3. Trick them with Insect Traps

Since they’re attracted to carbon dioxide, using CO2 emitting zappers is the perfect trap for no see ums. These insects will be lured by the carbon dioxide then the light will zap them on the spot.

Consider getting a portable one that you can place anywhere and take with you when you go camping, hiking, fishing, or outside in general. Bug zappers without the CO2 function might not work as well, but it’s better than having nothing. Shop for these traps online or through popular retailers such as Home Depot.

#4. Insect Spray

You may be camping, hiking, or just outside and need an “on-the-spot” solution. Insect spray is an obvious choice. A lesser-known option is bug lotions.

Consider using trusted brands like OFF Botanicals Sprays, Repel DEET-Free Insect Sprays, and Sawyer products. Make sure any product you buy contains picaridin since that’s what repels them in the first place.

If you need to spray a surface, Raid can do the job. If you buy Raid or similar products, make sure it’s specifically meant for flying insects.

#5. Tiny Mesh Screens and Netting

If you’re screen doors or netting doesn’t have fine mesh, no see ums will easily squeeze through them. Buying screens with mesh that are engineered to stop small insects like no see ums will keep them out. Consider researching the best screen doors to keep tiny bugs out.

#6. Home Remedies For No See Ums

Sometimes insect sprays or insecticides are out of the question. Any home remedy for preventing bugs is almost always going to be a hit or miss. In fact, sometimes they’re great for solving one problem but creating another.

We offer recommendations based on what seems to work for a lot of people. Essential oil and vinegar seem to be an effective weapon when fighting no see ums. Particularly, lavender, rosemary, lemongrass, tea tree, and eucalyptus essential oil. Also, adding vinegar, water, and soap on a plate or small area can help, but it will only have a localized effect.

Consider also leaving your air conditioner on since biting gnats do not like colder and dry temperatures.

How To Get Rid Of No See Ums Bites

Once you know for sure you’ve been bitten by one, the remedy for treating a bite is the same as treating a mosquito bite. Using analgesic and cortisone creams works well in reducing recovery time. Make sure to always wash the area first, place a warm and wet towel on it for a few minutes, and avoid scratching it. If the area doesn’t heal, speak with your doctor right away.


No see ums are a major nuisance however using a variety of the techniques mentioned will decimate their numbers. In little time you will be free of these nasty pests. No more scratching your head wondering how to get rid of no see ums.