Pool Shed Ideas

If you have a pool, you need a shed to store equipment and possibly use it as a changing area or for other purposes. What kind of pool shed should you choose, though? This article provides some pool shed ideas you can choose from based on your budget and your needs. When looking at pool shed ideas, keep these questions in mind:

  • How much can you afford to spend?
  • How big is your backyard?
  • Do you want to use the pool shed for more than just storage?

Function and pleasure

One of the best ways to get value from your pool shed is to blend its essential functions with some creative comforts so you can enjoy the space. For example, you could build a shed with storage in the back and a covered area in the front where people can relax and break from the sun.

Some outdoor furniture placed under the covered portion would instantly give you a great hangout spot near the pool for those who aren’t swimming. For example, if set correctly, this could be an excellent place for parents to sit while watching kids in the pool.

Divided storage space

If you use your pool shed for nothing more than storage, you might want to divide the space into two sides. This way, it can be both a pool shed and a garden shed. You’ll store items like pool maintenance equipment and supplies on one side of the shed, while the other has shovels, rakes, pots, and maybe even a lawnmower.

This approach lets you get all the storage you need in one structure, saving space and money simultaneously. This is one of our more practical and affordable pool shed ideas.

Add modular plastic shelves.

An empty shed structure isn’t going to be adequate for storage purposes. This setup will likely end with everything being tossed on the floor and will soon be a cluttered mess. So to avoid that, you will want to add modular shelves right away.

Plastic is an excellent choice for this task for a few reasons. First, many items you’ll need to store for the pool are light, so plastic shelves should handle them fine. Heavier objects can stay on the ground. Also, plastic will hold up in a pool shed’s damp environment, and it should last better in the long run over wood or metal options.

Utilize the outside of the shed.

You might be able to add a few extra touches to the exterior of the shed that will make it more useful. For example, if the shed is close to the pool, you could add a hook that can hold towels and extra clothes while people are swimming. This is just a tiny touch, but it makes the pool experience more convenient than having to toss things on the ground or find a new chair.

Also, you can use the outside of the pool shed to brighten up the space with bold color choices. By picking the right colors and overall style, you can still make your pool shed a valuable addition to your landscape, even if it is primarily functional.

Create a walkway.

You might be in the middle of a swim session when you realize you forgot to get something in the shed. In that case, you’ll have to walk with wet feet over to the shed to get what you need. To prevent this, consider designing the space so that the walk is comfortable and convenient.

Don’t put a stretch of dirt or gravel between the pool and shed because that would be messy or uncomfortable with wet feet. Ideally, the ground surface will be finished with concrete or patio pavers from the pool to the shed. Even walking across grass would be better, although that could also get messy depending on the weather.

Create a shed with a place to eat, a bathroom inside, and room for storage.

If you want something more than just a storage shed and have money to create something more functional, build a pool shed with a bathroom, changing space, a shady hangout spot, and storage space for your pool equipment. This is a great pool shed idea for someone who might want to live in or occasionally nap in the shed.

Look for a shed that has two sections.

This type of shed is excellent because you can use it for more than one purpose – for example, you could use one side for storage and the other as a changing room.

Make your shed look like a small house by your pool.

You might choose a pool shed with an attractive exterior design, so it looks like a small house, but it’s a pool shed. If it has window boxes, you could add flowers to them for more color.

Choose a shed with outdoor seating.

A pool shed with an outdoor seating area combines storage space with a covered area for people to sit in when they’re taking a break from swimming, watching their kids splash around in the water, or just resting in the shade.

If you have limited space, choose a narrow shed.

If you have very little space, you might choose a narrow shed that’s only used for storing pool equipment. You might even be able to use it as a changing room with the right shelves and storage accessories.

A simple shed near the pool

If you have a gazebo in your backyard, you might choose a shed that’s a similar shape. You could try to match the stone around the pool to tie the design together.

Those are just a few pool shed ideas to get you started. As you think about what kind of pool shed you want, think about what you want it to do. Do you want just to store pool supplies in your shed, or do you want to provide space for people to change or get out of the sun? And how much do you want to spend? Answering those questions will help you determine what pool shed would be best for you.