Strawberry Planter Ideas – 7 Ideas You Will Love

With so many different Strawberry planter ideas it’s hard to pick just one. If you have the space consider two or more different types of planters.

Strawberries aren’t difficult to grow and aren’t particularly picky about their soil. Knowing your specific growing season is important and will depend on your region’s climate zone; this can be anywhere between Spring and Fall. The location of your planter is also important. In choosing a spot for your plants it is best to choose a sunny spot with plenty of direct sunlight. The right amount of sunshine and watering will keep your plants healthy and maximize yield.

Strawberry planters can vary in price, however, you’ll find most of them are cost-efficient, it depends on the material and size of the planter you need. Anything made of Terra Cotta for example will cost on the higher end why planters made out of plastic or recycled wood will naturally cost less. With that being said, we believe there is one for any budget.

Verticle Strawberry Planter

In addition to being eye-catching beautiful, these types of planters also save a huge amount of space. One of the most popular examples of these is the Tower Planter.

You can find these structures in various heights and they can be made out of various materials such as plastic or ceramic. These towers also come in a lot of different shapes and can be quite stylish. One of our favorites is the pyramid tower.

There are also many different DIY vertical planter ideas for your consideration. One of the easiest and most cost-efficient ways is using buckets.

Simply take two to four regular construction buckets, drill a few 3-4 inch holes around them, fill them with soil, your favorite fertilizer, and stack them. At around $2 a bucket, this tower should only cost around $8 to make. It’s also a very sturdy structure that will last. Read on for more Strawberry planter ideas.

Strawberry Jar Planter

Another efficient way to grow strawberries is in jars. When we say jar we are referring to the large Ceramic or Terra Cotta ones you can find at your local garden store. They usually contain around 5 to 10 slots to grow Strawberries in.

Once the plants reach maturity you will notice the vines and fruit dangling from every side of the jar creating quite the yard decoration. The planter should be placed in direct sunlight, as Strawberries love the sun.

These jars are typically heavy duty so you don’t need to worry about them tipping from the wind. Popular backyard locations for these include near the patio, on the deck, and near the garden.

Hanging Strawberry Planter

A fun way and one of our favorite strawberry planter ideas are growing them in a hanging planter. These nifty planters can be placed relatively anywhere and make for a very nice decoration. One of the most popular brands of these is called the “Topsy Turvey”, at around $10 these planters are a bargain.

Their ease of use is also impressive, once your Strawberries are planted simply pour water in the top and as the water trickles down each plant receives an equal amount of water.

In hanging, you have a few options; these planters usually come with a screw that you can drill directly into a wooden overhang. If you don’t want to commit to drilling a hole into your home, consider purchasing a hanger. An upright planter hanger can either be anchored into the ground or propped up on a stand.

Be careful on windy days as they are prone to be knocked over. If the wind does become an issue consider securing the base with something heavy such as a sandbag.

One minor downside is once the water runs through you will end up with a puddle on the ground underneath. If you are hanging your plants over a wood deck, for example, it’s advisable to have something underneath to catch the water.

Apart from that, these hanging strawberry planters come with little no negatives. They’re made of sturdy material and with proper care will last for years of planting.

Pallet Strawberry Planters

One of the more unique strawberry planter ideas is using a wooden pallet as a planter. You’ll notice they add a rustic look to your yard that other planters simply don’t.

These are set up by placing the pallet up against a wall, filling it with dirt, and then placing the plants inside. Apart from being visually stunning, it is also very affordable. It’s not uncommon to find wood pallets for free.

Our favorite method of getting free pallets is going to a grocery store and asking the manager if you can have a pallet or two. Most grocery stores throw these away so you’re almost doing them a favor.

Another way to find free or cheap pallets is through websites such as Craigslist. This makes it easy to search your area for people giving them away.

Also If you have some wood cutting skills, wood pallets can be turned into raised garden beds and DIY strawberry planters. The planters and garden beds you can create with pallets are only limited to your creativity and imagination.

For some inspiration consider doing an online search for pallets converted into planters.

Planting Strawberries In Containers

One of the more affordable strawberry planter ideas is growing them in containers. And since Strawberry roots don’t need to go especially deep into the soil, containers of all sizes can be used.

As a rule of thumb be sure the plants have around 6 inches of soil depth. Those basic plastic plant containers from your local gardening store are an inexpensive option. Some other options include things you have around the house such as milk cartons and one-gallon water bottles.

If you do go with a DIY plant container option; be sure to add 4-5 holes in the bottom of the container to ensure proper water drainage. Also, be sure the container is at least 6 sixes tall to ensure the plant’s roots have plenty of soil to grow in.

Making your plant containers can be a fun activity for the whole family, if you have kids they could even decorate them as part of arts and crafts time.

Growing Strawberries In Raised Beds

Next on the list of strawberry planter ideas is raised garden beds. Since they sit atop the ground there is no need to dig up your yard. They can usually be found either made out of wood or thick plastic, usually priced around the $50 range.

Once your raised bed is set up, fill with soil, your favorite potting mix, and space each plant a minimum of 8 inches apart. And as mentioned earlier their roots will need at least 6 inches of soil.

The raised bed should be placed in a sunny part. If you have a corner away from tree shade and structure shade consider placing it there.

Keep in mind Strawberries are one of the favorite foods of Squirrels, Birds, Racoons, and many other critters. To keep them and other pests out of your raised garden bed consider lining the outside of it with chicken wire.

Other ways to keep your strawberries safe include animal repellents and natural pesticides. If you do opt to use animal repellents be sure they are advertised as “pet safe” if you have pets. One brand of animal safe repellent is “Liquid Fence”, which is most effective against Deer and Rabbits.

Also, consider there are several natural bug repellents you can make yourself. One of our favorites is Cayenne Pepper. Simply fill a spray bottle with Cayenne Pepper and water and spray around your plants (avoiding any fruit).

Can You Grow Strawberries Indoors?

Well, the answer is yes and no. Strawberry plants require a lot of sunlight, so growing them indoors isn’t ideal. With that being said there is a way around this. And that is indoor grow lights. When it comes to growing lights you have a few options.

You could go to your local garden store and purchase a few grow lights. Or you could buy a pre-made indoor growing system. These growing systems can easily cost upwards of $500 or higher, but they are well worth the money. Some of them even have built-in hydroponics.

Overall one of the best benefits of indoor growing systems is you don’t need to worry about outdoor pests eating your strawberries.

Whether you are growing strawberries indoors or outdoors be sure they get at least 8 hours of sunlight daily. Also, note they grow best in slightly acidic soil.

When testing your soil be sure it has a PH between 5.5 and 6.8. The PH level of your soil can change from time to time so testing it periodically is always a good idea. Soil tests can be found online or at stores such as Home Depot and Lowes. Typically they are priced around $30 per kit.