The Best Crabgrass Killer For 2021

Anyone who has had crabgrass knows it can be very stubborn. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of it. The trick is choosing the best crabgrass killer. This article will detail the best crabgrass killer for 2021.

Crabgrass is popular for being an opportunistic pest; you are very likely to see it in your lawns or gardens. If you want to know whether you have a crabgrass problem or wondering what does Crabgrass looks like, check the areas where your grass is scanty or where there is no grass at all. This pest is most prevalent during the summer and late spring.

Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer

This Crabgrass Killer is regarded as one of the best in the market; over the years, it has solely served the purpose of killing Crabgrass in millions of people’s lawns across the country.

Its composition is exactly what is needed, with about 18% quinclorac as its main active ingredient, making it a perfect choice to kill stubborn Crabgrass.

  • After applying Drive XLR8, don’t irrigate or water your lawn or garden for at least 24 hours.
  • Ensure you apply precisely the right quantity (1.45 fluid ounces of Drive XLR8 per 1,000 square feet)
  • Avoid mowing two days before applying and two days after
  • Try not to apply on fine fescue except when it cannot be avoided
  • One-half gallon (64 oz) can be used over one acre of turf
  • Use a drive if you are applying with Methylated Seed Oil (MSO).

Tenacity Turf Herbicide

The Tenacity Turf Herbicide is liquid, making it easy to use and easy to target both small smooth Crabgrass hiding in the lawn and large ones; this makes it the most versatile choice on the list. It comes in an eight oz. Bottle.

It goes beyond just killing Crabgrass; it is effective for other common weeds as well, such as wild carrot, clover, barnyard grass, goosegrass, thistle, carpetweed, dandelions, chickweed, and more.

Wondering when to apply crabgrass preventer? With The Tenacity Turf Herbicide, you don’t have to worry.

The Tenacity Turf Herbicide is designed to tackle both pre-emergence and post-emergence Crabgrass. This means no matter the level of your Crabgrass, you can rest assured that this herbicide will effectively tackle it.

About 40% of The Tenacity has a concentration of about 40% mesotrione.

The best part of using the Tenacity Turf Herbicide (aside from its efficiency, of course) is its extended shelf life. It can last between five to eight years in your cabinet. This means you don’t have to use all your Tenacity Herbicide in one season.

To maximize its lifespan, store your Tenacity Herbicide away from direct sunlight and at an average temperature.

Acclaim Extra Selective Herbicide

Acclaim Extra Selective Herbicide is essentially a post-emergent herbicide manufactured to kill weeds like Crabgrass and goosegrass, especially during cool-season turf. Its most active ingredient is the Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl.

This stuff, however, can be used at all stages of Crabgrass. Its strength lies on large crabgrass plants at the 4-tiller stage and larger. It has been used on Japanese stiltgrass and worked.

It is one of the most affordable herbicides on my list; it costs only $0.75 per 1,000. A quart is up to 48 gallons. Above all, it is versatile and can be used on several different weeds.

BASF Drive XLR8 Herbicide

The BASF Drive XLR8 Herbicide is an amazing herbicide that has served people for decades; it comes in large quantities (½ gallon container). A bottle is enough to cover a full acre.

This Herbicide can be used for mature Crabgrass. So it is never too late to apply to your lawn or garden.

Designed as a water-based liquid, this herbicide will dry within an hour, so you are sure that wet chemicals won’t be in your yard for too long, and you won’t be worried about rain washing it off.

It is another versatile crabgrass killer and can be used for but isn’t limited to torpedo grass, clover, dollar weed, dandelions, signal grass, bindweed, Kikuyu grass, foxtail, and more.

Don’t expect immediate results; after applying it, you will have to wait for about five weeks before seeing changes. This estimation is the maximum estimation, so expect to see results earlier.

Ortho Weed B Gon Plus

The Ortho Weed B Gon Plus is designed specifically for Crabgrass. However, just like other herbicides on my list, it can also help control about 200 common weeds.

Its strength lies in its ability to kill the weeds down to their root. This will help prevent Crabgrass not just for now but for a long time as the weed would be killed from the root.

It was also manufactured will lawn-friendly chemicals to prevent it from causing damage when you use it. However, it can be harmful to the lawn if not used as directed on the packaging.

The Ortho Weed B Gon Plus would have dried up within an hour after applying it, so you won’t worry about rain washing it away.

It is a ready-to-use herbicide, so you don’t have to go through the stress of diluting it; you can start using it immediately, directly from the noose.

PBI Gordon Ornamec Over-the-Top Grass Herbicide

The PBI Gordon Ornamec is a post-emergent herbicide, which means it is perfect for Crabgrass that has sprouted already.

It is versatile. It is one of the most versatile on my list. It can control about 500 weeds and unwanted plants. So if you want to control both Crabgrass and any other weeds like sandbur and foxtail, The PBI Gordon Ornament is a great option.

The amazing thing about using this herbicide is that it is selective, so you won’t be sacrificing your healthy grass when getting rid of Crabgrass.

As the name suggests, “Over the Top Grass Herbicide” can be used as an over-the-top application.

If you are applying it during the rainy season, you don’t have to worry about rain washing it away as it dries within an hour after application.

You will get results in no time, treated grasses will stop growing within just two days after applying it, and results will be seen between 1 to 3 weeks.

Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer

Are you worried about the growth of Crabgrass and other weeds in your lawn or garden? Using herbicide is the best solution; as stated earlier in this article, the only downside is that you may have to sacrifice your healthy grass while combating Crabgrass. If this is your fear, don’t worry Plus, Crabgrass Killer will selectively kill the Crabgrass and exclude your lawn grass.

The composition of Plus Crabgrass Killer is only effective on Crabgrass, and it targets its root to ensure you stay crabgrass-free for a long time. The result is almost instant; you’ll be able to see changes just five hours after application.

Suppose you have a combination of weeds you want to eliminate simultaneously. In that case, this herbicide might be what you need as it works on more than 250 other common weeds, including foxtail, dandelions, chickweed, clover, and many more.

It dries up within three hours, so you don’t have to worry about rain washing it away during the rainy season.

I am certain that the manufacturers had customers with large lawns in mind; that’s why they made one bottle big enough to cover up to 5,000 square feet.

Final Thought

If asked, “what is the perfect crabgrass removal tool?” the answer is there is no perfect crabgrass removal tool; what works for someone else lawn may not work for you. The perfect crabgrass killer is determined by the size of your lawn, other weeds you’ll also want to get rid of, and personal preference.

This article contains enough information to help you pick the best Crabgrass killer that perfectly fits your lawn or garden. Why Is Crabgrass bad? It directly affects your lawn and garden by causing harm to flowers and healthy grass.

Before concluding in the crabgrass killer of your choice, be sensitive to what your lawn needs and the features of the herbicide you are considering have exactly what you are looking for.